Eve Surname Pages

Family of Oswell Eve - Pennsylvania and Georgia

Whilst there are a number of earlier references to the EVE family name in the USA, one of the most comprehensively researched is the family of Oswell Eve.

Oswell Eve is fisrst recorded in Pennsylvania in the 1740's. There are a number of references to him being a Britiah navy captain. As yet no definitive link with the EVE's of Great Britain has been found. If you have one please email.

During the American Uprising or War of Independence (depending on which side of the pond you are from), he fled to New York, then to the Bahamas and died there in 1793. His son Oswell went to Georgia and was followed by Joseph, his brother, to Augusta in the early 1800's.

The descendants of Oswell established branches of the family in South Carolina, Tennesse,Texas and California. If you can fill in any of the gaps please email.
